Thursday, August 13, 2009


It’s time for another Tablescape Thursday with Susan from Between Naps on the Porch!
Make sure to visit all the great Tablescapes while ya'll are there. I also would like to thank all of you that have stopped by to see my table, left comments, and joined my blog, ya'll sure have made me feel so welcomed!! Thank you all! And a great big Thank You to Susan ,for being such a great hostess,we all have such a good time at your place.


You will have to excuse me please, It was one of those days where I would rather be anywhere else.

I had a bad day and had to look for great tablescapes on line!! Found these great tablescapes at
lots of great ideals for wonderful table tops...

If you have checked out my blog then you know that I love sunflowers on a table....
And some of you know that I am trying to recover from one more go round with cancer.

So this Wednesday was my day for the trip to the Hospital to have my biopsy, so when I got home, Not only could I not see the computer screen, I could not stand to take pictures.. I have to go every three months for the next two years, and then the Dr. will decide how often I have to go...
If there was a day, that if it could go wrong , well this is one of those days!! I will blog about this day , have you heard stories where the Dr. cuts off the wrong leg or some other big mistake well lets just say It's a good thing that I was able to speak up before I was put under, so check back , you will not believe my day, And again please excuse me ....


  1. These are some beautiful pictures you found and posted! I really like them all! The first one is just so lovely and classic, the second one looks like so much fun and the third reminds me of big family reunion meals ! I really miss those! I am so sorry you had a bad day :( I am praying for you that today will be better! Blessings to you!


  2. Oh....that ugly cancer. I hate that word! Continue the fight. I love the row of sunflowers down the table. So summer!!

  3. All of the tablesettings are just gorgeous. Such pretty eye candy. So sorry your day was the pits. Hopefully today will be much better. Hugs, Marty

  4. Julie-- can't believe you posted anything at all! Thank Goodness you averted some disaster (I know you will tell us about it later). I am wishing you a big batch of sunflowers and praying for you.

  5. Oh my I hope better days and sunshine & sunflowers are in your future. Can't wait to read your story and bless your heart for even posting today. Hugs & Smiles:)

  6. That sounds like a crazy day! I'm glad you were able to speak up!

    I love that first tablescape.

  7. Beautiful summer tables. Love the first one with the shades of green, and its cool, fresh presentation for these hot, dry summer days!
    All the best to you ~ /

  8. This was fun!! Thank you for sharing these with us! God Bless you!!

  9. Julie, I am soooo sorry. Hard enough to have to go through a biopsy without some other problem. I hope you are feeling a gazillion times better today. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous are a sweetie for participating. And thanks for sharing your day with us...hope the rest of this week goes much, much better!

  10. Your photos are inspiring and gorgeous! Doesn't matter where they come from. I'm sorry for your horrid day. Thanks for sharing, as we blog friends should share the good and the bad. That's what friends are truly for, you know.

  11. Beautiful pictures, but I'm so sorry to hear that you have a horror story to share!
    God Bless.
    All the best,

  12. Great inspiration -- sorry for your bad day! Gosh it sounds horrible.

  13. Hope you will have a better day tomorrow. Thanks for the inspirational photos. I have fresh sunflowers on my kitchen table right now!

  14. Hang in there! I'm 11 years cancer free ... but I will always remember those trips to the doctor. I drove 100 miles to see my oncologist ... so the day was even longer. Keep fighting ... keep on "truckin'"!

  15. I'm so sorry you had a bad day...
    Isn't it nice to come to the safe zone of "bloggerland"? It's always so relaxing and inspirational to see and hear from your friends.

    Your pictures you found were great. I love the jute on the centerpiece in your first pic. It's the simple things, isn't it?

  16. Good luck with your doctor visits and of course you are excused, lovel collection of images you have found to celebrate the best of tablescaping.

  17. So did you ever blog about this day? I couldn't find it if you did.


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!