Thursday, August 6, 2009

Foodie Friday

Welcome to Foodie Friday.Be sure to stop by Designs by Gollum hosted by the sweet Michael for a virtual feast and a lot of inspiration!

Semi-Home made Spaghetti and Garlic Bread!! I have made this spaghetti recipe for 32 years now, I hope you will try it, is the best I have ever eaten.

You will need:

1 Jar Ragu, your choice of flavor

1 large can petite diced tomatoes

2 cans Tomato sauce

1 small can Tomato paste

1 Package dry Spaghetti mix

Put all ingredients in large pot

1 large onion diced

1 green bell pepper diced

garlic to your taste....

I sometimes add mushrooms

add onion, bell pepper and garlic., to hamburger meat, cook on medium until meat is done.

I add 2 bay leafs to my sauce pot. When meat mixture is done add to sauce pot also.

Stir meat into mixture.

Cover and simmer for about an hour... be sure to stir from time to time so sauce doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot.

Just before you are ready to serve, take your bread, butter it well, sprinkle with garlic powder...

Put bread in the oven on broil, watch close as not to burn...

Spaghetti and Garlic Bread, ENJOY!! Oh so good...


  1. That looks really yummy! I love things that start with something easy and build on that.

  2. Looks great. I'm coming to your house for dinner:)

  3. I was with you until you said "don't burn the bread" I am the Queen of bread burning. It has gotten to be the joke at my house! I think a bay leaf is the secret to good spaghetti!

  4. We all love spaghetti and meat sauce here but I don't think I ever make it the same way twice. This sounds good. Bay leaf is like a secret ingredient. Not many people know to use it but it is so distinctive and good.

  5. Ummm...this sounds just delicious. I LOVE spaghetti...especially with garlic bread and a big, ole Italian salad. One of my favorite meals. I sure am glad to get this recipe and I thank you!!
    Pls. come by and go on a picnic in the park with me...

  6. This looks delicious and a way to use some of my green peppers in the garden! I'll try both for sure. Thanks.

  7. Always love Italian food:)

  8. Now there is a recipe I can handle and it sounds delicious. I always mess with jar sauce and now I have a recipe. I'm loving it!!!


  9. First of all... I love the dutch oven. I have the same one and use it for the same purpose - to make "semi-homemade" meat sauce. I like some of the ingredients on your list. I have a recipe which uses many of the same things you have here with a few exceptions. My son, who likes to cook, added Nutmeg to my sauce and sugar - about a teaspoon and I was amazed at the difference in flavor. Just a little nutty and a little sweetness.

    Great recipe - thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  10. I love spagetti..and I have to try this recipe. It looks and sounds delicious..and if that beautiful plate is Fiesta, then it will taste even better. :)

  11. I hope to see you at Crock Pot Wednesdays this week at come on over and sign up with Mr. Linky.


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