Monday, August 10, 2009


Thank you to Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting another Marvelous Metamorphosis Monday!! Click on the link above to see more amazing transformations!

The transformation has begone, so far my son-in law and I have gotten the bricks off the back of the house... as to save a little money. I am all about saving money and don't mind a little HARD WORK to get that job done...

Hard work and a great big mess! The brick is old so we are trying to save as much as we can hoping to match it. If we can not match the brick we will mix it in with the brick that will match the old brick best.

I am so excited the work has started and soon I will have a great porch.

The porch will measure 18 by 20.... Today I can not share pictures of the after, but I will share pictures each week till the new porch is done. Anyone want to come over and help clean mortar off brick?


  1. Oh how nice it will be to have the finished porch. It is such a great size too, just another wonderful outdoor room. I look forward to the finished project. Hugs, Marty

  2. That looks like some seriously hard work for a southern summer. That stuff is heavy.

  3. Good luck with this project..., a porch is such a great thing to have. I'm enjoying mine every day.

  4. We had to match brick when we rebuilt our chimney. Problem was we had unusual brick. We went to the Brick Yard and surprisingly in the Used Brick Area found an exact match. There were only about 300 bricks but more then enough for what we needed and I saved the extra and stacked it in our garage.

    But even if you can't find an exact match, it does not matter just make a pattern with another color or several other colors.

  5. Ahh been there done that. And you pick the hottest summer ever to do it. But it will be a great addition when done and will be worth all the hard work. I love my screen porch..
    Soon dear you'll be sipping sweet tea and reading magazines..


  6. And when you are sipping sweet tea and reading magazines think of us all ok.

  7. That looks like quite a project. I can't wait to see it finished!

    I have an award for you here:

  8. I can't wait to see the finished product! I am sure it will be fabulous!



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