Friday, August 7, 2009


Pink Saturday, is graciously hosted by Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to visit Beverly's beautiful blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday.

Has it been a week already? Please come on in, the coffee is hot and I just took the Blueberry bread out of the oven. I was just about to cut you a piece.

I am so glad you stopped by, I would love for you to meet some of the things that I dearly love that can wear pink!!

You met baby cakes last week, my sweet granddaughter Eleanore, and this is my sweet 21 year old daughter Alexis!!

This is the princess Miss Lucy!!! On my pink flowered bed spread, I am not sure about your house, but at mine the princess lays wherever she likes.

She has been seen around Town wearing the pink!! Thank you all for stopping by. Ican not wait to see your PINK!!


  1. Ohhh, your daughter and grandaughter are gorgeous.
    And sweet Miss Princess is just too cool in her pink. :) . Happy Pink Saturday..have a lovely weekend.

  2. awwww..all the Princess needs is a pink tiara!

  3. Your daughter is adorable! Cute outfit on your pooch and I love blueberries..nice table setting for it! Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Oh my, what a great way to start the day . . . with blueberry bread on a pink plate!

    Your girls are gorgeous and Princess is a gem . . . in my house too the dogs lay where they like, although not always to my liking! LOL!!

    Hope you have a fabulous Pink Saturday!
    Teresa the MiniMadWoman

  5. Thanks for the coffee and yummy blueberry bread! What a great treat!!! And, I loved meeting the family:)

    Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love company!


  6. Look at the twinkle in these eyes!

    Welcome to pink Saturday... its a fun group we have and now you have made it funner.

    Stop by and say hi! ;)

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥ ♥

  7. Your daughter and granddaughter are very cute and your doggie is adorable! I used to have those dishes! (I collected Fiesta, but I had the pink set for everyday.) Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. I love your post today!!!
    Have a very special Pink Saturday!!!!
    xo Tami

  9. What a pretty pink post!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    For my pink post... visit me at Sweeter Living
    (Your also welcome to my other blog Sweeter Homes... if you need a house-fix)

  10. Your daughter & granddaughter are sweet and lovely. Great pink post
    Happy Pink Saturday and enjoy your weekend

  11. Happy Pink Saturday....."Princess" looks lovely in her pink coat!

  12. Happy PS, Julie! Your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful! Little Miss Lucy is so very pretty in pink! Love you pink dishes and the bluberry bread looks delicious!

    Darling post!


  13. Hi Julie! Welcome to Pink Saturday. Love your post honey, and Miss Lucy is just precious. You will have to pop over and look at my "Bruiser" also known as "Handsome". They are quite the characters these critters. Love the baby and the daughter, so beautiful. Sweet picture. Love all your pinks. Stop by and say hi, I love to have you visit. Country Hugs, Sherry

  14. Welcome and Happy 1st Pink Saturday!
    Your daughter is adorable!

  15. What cute pictures of your daughter and granddaughter. Oh, let's not forget your puppy - she's adorable too! Happy PS!

  16. Hi Julie!
    I am so glad you popped over and said "hi". I had no idea you had been through radiation and chemo. I don't know if you read through any of my blog, but my niece Amy is 33 years old and battling cancer for the 3rd time. The first time when she was 10 years old. She has been going through radiation and chemo this time for 14 months, and Monday she is going to have a radical neck surgery to remove her carotid artery and a fairly large tumor that is all cancer. She has been unable to eat for some time. She is down to 74 pounds. I will be posting a message on Monday late or early Tuesday in regards to the surgery and give regular updates for all of the bloggers who have followed both my blog and my sister's blog, and have become friends to both of us. We so need prayers for Monday and the weeks to come. She will be in surgery for approx. 15 hours, and will come out with a tracheotomy and a feeding tube. They are hoping in time, those will be able to come out. She will be in ICU for approx. 7 days, and they told us then she will be kept comatose for a few days to get her through the pain. It will be the first time in 14 months (this go round) that she has been without pain and will be able to sleep. She has squamous cell cancer this time. Had squamous cell the time before that, and had rabdomiocarcinoma when she was 10. It has been unreal. I will say some prayers for you, that you continue to stay in good health and cancer free. Please keep in touch honey. I will be watching for you to stop by soon. Country Hugs, Sherry

  17. Thanks for the yummy treat, I was getting a bit hungry from all this Pink SAturday eye candy!!
    Your little peeps are sure adorable!!


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!