Friday, August 28, 2009



Pink Saturday, is graciously hosted by Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to visit Beverly's beautiful blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday.

This is one more Pink house that is out and about in the beautiful city of Charleston South Carolina. I like the way the red and pink work so well on this house. I don't think this is a color combination that most people would think of when they think about painting their home.. But I think this house pulls it off real well.
I am having a-give-away to celebrate my 1 month Blogoversary.... so come on over
and check it out...
Have a wonderful Pink week and I hope to see you all back here next week...


  1. I really love all of the old homes in Charleston. They are so ornate and so pretty. The red and pink is really unusual. Hugs, Marty

  2. Julie--I love pastel houses (on the right house in the right setting of course :)I looked at your daughter's art--a budding artist!

  3. I love this's just beautiful..and those colors do work well. Happy Pink Saturday, have a great weekend.

  4. Julie, I love visiting Charleston. I've been twice and plan to return next year. This pink house is lovely.

  5. Oh Julie, I so love the colors on this house. The big picture window looks so inviting. Makes you wonder what has been shown through this lovely window at the holidays especially? Oh I would love to live in this house. Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing on this Pink Saturday post. Happy PS Day. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you visit. Country hugs, Sherry

  6. Gorgeous paint colors on the house! (Also, I love your sweet beautiful doggies! Sooooooo cute!!!)

  7. You're right, it is beautifully done. Very unique. Really makes me want to see the inside!

  8. Happy Pink Saturday, Julie! Once again, I am in love with your pictures of Charleston. Truly one of the prettiest towns I've been to. That house is lovely.

  9. I just love a pink house! I bet Charleston is one pretty place.
    Have a wonderful pink day, Julie.
    xo Tami

  10. I can't see that house in any other color. How fun!

  11. I love the look of the pretty house you chose today! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Love this mansion!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  13. I think I need to live in that beautiful pink house. I'm having a giveaway too so if you like papercrafting, go check it out!!!

    Happy Pink Satruday,

  14. I wonder if people who live in pink houses have a more positive attitude than those who don't :-). This house was a perfect choice for Pink Saturday.
    I hope you are "in the pink" and having a wonderful weekend. Charleston must be a beautiful city.

  15. Great shot! Nice pink post and have great week ahead.

  16. The house is very pretty, Julie. You are right about the colors and I like the style too. Very charming!...Christine

  17. I loooove those porches. Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. I've never been to Charleston, but from this house, I'm sure that I would love it!!

    Please stop by The Old Parsonage anytime, I love Company!!

    Enjoy and Happy PS 1 day late!

  19. Hi Julie
    I'm not usually a big "pink" fan, but this house is adorable! Charleston is one of my favorite cities. My oldest brother attended college (the Citadel) there and I have great memories of visiting him when I was a child. Hubby and I also visited during our honeymoon trip. What a romantic city! Hope to be back one day soon...

    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  20. What a sweet house! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  21. I sure do love those beautiful homes in Charleston. Pink, how perfect for today's event. Love it.


  22. Those colors work really well! Have a great week!!!

  23. Hello. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting during the recent rooster party. I scrolled down and saw your roosters. That is a great rooster tablecloth. I adore vintage linens. They usually have such interesting designs on them. You are right about the pink house in this post. I would never have thought to combine the colors used here, but on this house it works. Blessings to you.

  24. I love the architecture! It is so fun to see the older homes of a city or town...they all have their own little personalities :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!