Thursday, August 27, 2009


Thanks to Barb @ Bella Vista for hosting this fun party. I can't wait to see all of your Roosters . Be sure to check out her blog for a list of all the participants.

This is a cute little Table cloth that I picked up at an Estate sale.

The top of the table cloth with all the cute little chicks....

What a handsome fellow.....

Now this is my new baby....She hangs on the wall in my Kitchen.... Painted by a locale artist that lives here in South Carolina... You can find her work here.
Madison's work is so funny, you should check her out, lots of Chicken's And Roosters hanging out at her place! I have only had the picture a few months, and I have been trying to come up with a great name for her.. Please feel free to leave suggestions for her in your comments...
Now do not forget that I am having a- give-away so Please stop over at my place to celebrate my 1 month Blogoversary....
Thank you Barb for hosting this great party.....


  1. Love the chicken painting and what makes it funny is that I've seen chicken with that look on their face!

    But my fav is the cute with all the little chicks!

  2. Oh I really love that tablecloth. So cute. What a wonderful find. YOur roosters are wonderful. I LOVE the painting. That face is to die for. I so wish I could think of a cute name because she is so whimsical and precious. Hugs, Marty

  3. I love that painting! So cute and fun!

  4. Oh isn't this fun? I adore your tablecloth!!!! And your new little baby just fits right in!
    Thanks for sharing!
    karen - Some Days Are Diamonds

  5. Love the tablecloth..and the painting, I really love. I believe little hens name is Victoria. Isn't she quite queenly?

  6. Love your roosters! Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Cute Chica-baby! What about "Miss Puff-n-stuff"? Love her chubby me wonder what's in there?

    I'm happy to see that so many from the Beach Party had enough stamina or sheer will power to be part of this Rooster Party!... I made it through every party last time...& hope to get to all these ones! Whew!

    Blessings & Aloha!

    I'm towards the bottom of the thought to work my way up the Rooster Roster... & hope to see you at my party :o)

  8. I just love the tablecloth! Great roosters!!

  9. Hi Julie,
    What a great find in the tablecloth,loved it. and your roosters, especially the painted one by a local artist, so cheerful, lovely just lovely.

  10. Hi Julie
    I think the tablecloth is a great find, but I have to say I LOVE the painting. It's got such character! I'll have to check out that artist.
    I'm glad I stopped by today!

  11. I love linens so I'm so envious of that tablecloth - how cute is that!!


  12. What an adorable painting to have on your kitchen wall and I love your tablecloth. Have a fun weekend.

  13. That rooster table cloth is wonderful! I just love the colors. Your big chunky yellow rooster would look great on it!

    As soon as you asked about a name for your painting "Matilda" came to mind. Have no idea why! But I like "Miss Puff-n-stuff" from the other comment.

  14. What a charming table cloth and what a lucky find. Your painting has loads of personality and made me smile.

  15. I am in love with the table cloth and the works of art by Madison. I went to the website and love the works. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Janet

  16. Oh I just love that tablecloth, I have never seen one like that, wow, love the rest too, just anything Hen, Chicks or Roosters have my vote, lol; Hugs from Barbara

  17. Hi Julie! Love your roosters today, and what a lucky find that table cloth was!! Thank you so much for stopping by to see my roosters! Barb's party certainly was a huge success, and I really did enjoy visiting each and every blog in celebration! I'll be checking out that giveaway soon.. I have to get ready for church! ~tina

  18. Hi Julie! The painting is so cute, looks like she's wearing big fake eyelashes!

  19. The artists painting are adorable and so funny. I think you should name yours MADISON after the artist. :) Enjoyed your post.....


  20. Julie, your roosters are great! I love that tablecloth!!

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  21. You have my favorite rooster collection so far! Love the tablecloth.

  22. Thanks for stopping by to visit. I LOVE your rooster collection!! Love that tablecloth and your birds look like they are just strutting around!

  23. Hi Julie,
    Thank you so much for stopping by at A Petite Cottage. I'm still trying to look through all the rooster post. I love your vintage rooster tablecloth. Thanks for sharing.

    ♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

  24. Hello Julie, You have some wonderful roosters here. I especially love the tablecloth. Sigh.... so very pretty. As you can see I'm a little behind on my posts but I'm getting around :>) It's been a fun rooster party.

  25. LOVE the tablecloth...what an awesome find! And the painting makes me smile! So whimsical...what a great piece!

  26. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your tablecloth and "Pink" rooster/chickens...

  27. Hi Julie,
    It's wonderful to meet you! I appreciate your kind visit to my blog today.

    Your roosters are all so beautiful!

    ~Blessings to you, ~Melissa :)

  28. What a terrific rooster collection you have. I especially like your card holders. Thanks for joining in and sharing with me.

    I looked at today's post with that gorgeous ginger jar; you could've linked in for Blue Monday. Think about coming by next Monday if you feel it's too late to join in today.

  29. Love the tablecloth & all your roosters. Thanks for visiting my rooster post & leaving me a comment today. I too am still trying to get around to see everyone's post. Blogging seems to be taking over my life.

  30. That's exactly what I thought when I saw the blue gingher jar. Perfect for Blue Monday! What a great deal. And the mirror too! I LOVE that tablecloth! It's not pretty it's GORGEOUS. :))

    I think she's a Francine or maybe Francisca.

  31. Love all your roosters, but the painting really caught my eye. Especially since I saw it on the wall in one of your tablescapes. So pretty. Thanks for stopping by my little blog. Hope you have a great week. xxoo

  32. SPOT!
    LOL - just kidding.
    Loved your post! You have some wonderful roosters.Love "Spot" especially!. He wouldd definitley mke you smile each morning.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Come back by and join my "Doors of Welcome" party.
    Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds

  33. I'm still rooster partying. Such pretty roosters you have. Spot is definitely a show.

  34. I'm late getting around too! That tablecloth is just too cute ! Love it !

  35. I love the table cloth and the big yellow rooster! I think you should name your chick, Bella!

  36. Happy to have had your visit to my blog! I love your rooster collection! Great tablecloth!! I loved the whimsical painting! I think she looks like a "Miss Millie". Hugs!!

  37. You have so many items that are lovely! The tablecloth i out of this world.

  38. That rooster tablecloth is really something to crow about!! How cute! Having been blogging for only a month, your blog is wonderful and so polished. Mine looked like a trainwreck when I first started out....still I hope you will visit often. ~ Lynn

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hello Julie,

    Oh wow! I love that table cloth! I think your new baby looks like a Gertrude (Gertie)! All your roosters are lovely.

    ~ Tracy

  41. I missed this the first time around. There were so many posts. It sure was a fun party, wasn't it? I like to wooden rooster and the tablecloth.

  42. I just love love love the rooster tablecloth. The colors are so different from what you normally see roosters done in.

  43. I didn't see your roosters before, glad I didn't miss them! They are soooo cute! Love that tablecloth! The painting is the cutest, makes me laugh! My first thought for her name was Maggie, then I thought, no, she needs a funnier name - like Gertrude (Gertie!) Ooops, I just looked up and somebody else said the same thing! Hmmmm, how about Penelope or Priscilla!

    So fun!


  44. Hi there,Julie
    Yup,I am very,very late...I just got back from my trip from Wales,and am just now returning visits to the Rooster party I sort-of missed,as I promised I would.
    Thank you for yours and your nice comments.I love the table cloth,and the painting Ima partial to colorful art work.Iam going back to your blog for a looks very intresting.
    Blessings Tracy(Gracie)


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!