Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Tablescape Thursday

Hi it's Tablescape Thursday , and I am I so happy to be here. Please visit Susan over at betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com.Make sure to visit all the great Tablescapes while ya'll are there. I also would like to thank all of you that have stopped by to see my table, left comments, and joined my blog, ya'll sure have made me feel so welcomed!! Thank you all! And a great big Thank You to Susan ,for being such a great hostess,we all have such a good time at your place.

Hi I have been a little under the weather this week so I thought I might fix myself a little breakfast and have it in bed...

Just lay around and pamper myself...

A little coffee and fruit....

This is one of my favorite cups and saucers.

Summertime series by Royal Albert, I am also using my vintage green Fiesta ware...

And a sweet little green depression glass desert cup!

I thought I might do some reading, this is my first copy of Southern Lady... I have been anticipating the arrival of the magazine...

I am going to crawl under the covers , have a cup of coffee , do some light reading, rest and hope to see you all next week for one more wonderful TableScape, at Between naps on the Porch. And Congratulations to Susan for a very successful year.


  1. This is so pretty! Delightful!

  2. That is lovely! It would make me feel better any day.

  3. Oh, I so agree, your cup and saucer is stunning. It really is so pretty. What a wonderful way to spend the morning and to just enjoy relaxing a bit. I love the bedtray and the coffee and fruit looks just perfect. Hugs, Marty

  4. How pretty. It all looks so relaxing.
    I enjoyed visiting.


  5. How fun....breakfast in bed, what a treat.

  6. Beautiful breakfast tray! It was a real treat to visit today.

    Happy Tablescape Thursday and hope to see you at my place to toast Susan on her anniversary.

  7. This just makes me want to crawl in to bed. How yummy. Nothing beats a warm muffin and fresh fruit. In bed!!

    Love this!


  8. Julie, thanks for stopping by. Your Breakfast tray looks so wonderful. I love the black tray! And your tea cup is beautiful. Happy TT!

  9. Hope you're feeling better - how could you not with such a pretty set bed tray? I'm going to be on a search for one of those myself for some special houseguests next month.

  10. Well somebody should have done this FOR you if you are not feeling well :)I love the china cup and saucer. I enjoy that magazine myself!

  11. Very nice way to pamper yourself! :)

  12. What a pretty tray setting. Hope you're feeling better by now. I'm sure you are after drinking out of that gorgeous tea cup.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. Such a beautiful breakfast tray! The cup and saucer really caught my eye ... and I'm not usually a flowery cup kinda guy. Should have known it was Royal Albert!

    Thank you for the thoughtful comment you left when you stopped by. As far as making aluminum shine, I just wash it in warm, soapy water and use Wright's Silver Cream if it has any discoloration. Some of the older pieces seem to have been manufactured with a shinier surface than others. I tend to like it all ... matte finish, shiny, hammered, smooth ...

    Bye for now,

  14. Beautiful cup & saucer! Nice you are pampering yourself with a lovely setting for your tea. Take care!


  15. Okay Julie, this is getting freaky! I have the exact chenille bedspread set and shams/pillow set that you have on your bedroom; and in the same beautiful butter cream yellow. YES, I do! I actually was fortunate enough to find it in mint condition in a nearby consignment shoppe. We love it too! Plus....your style of decorating is VERY ME! I find blogging so interesting, as it really does bring like minded people together! Another interesting thing...I have a teacup with the same floral design (different shaped cup), and I also LOVE strawberries, my favorite fruit! Sooooo, Julie, I think I'm going to be visiting you often! :) Very nice post today!

  16. I hope you are feeling better. I think it's great to pamper yourself...and it looks like you are going to have a restful day. Your cup and saucer are precious...

  17. This would make anybody feel better! This has a lot of my favorite things - yellow, tea, muffin, and fruit! The tea cup has my birth flower (May.) I also like those yellow chenille pillows!

    Great job! I hope you are feeling better by now!


  18. Now this would be wonderful to be served in bed, get well soon.

  19. Lovely. I'd love to snuggle under the covers and read and snack a bit.
    - The Tablescaper

  20. Love that teacup--I haven't heard of Southern Lady


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!