Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Hi it's Tablescape Thursday , and I am I so happy to be here. Please visit Susan over at sure to visit all the great Tablescapes while ya'll are there. I also would like to thank all of you that have stopped by to see my table, left comments, and joined my blog, ya'll sure have made me feel so welcomed!! Thank you all! And a great big Thank You to Susan ,for being such a great hostess,we all have such a good time at your place.

Come on in the coffee is hot, and that smell is the Blueberry bread that I am just about to take at of the oven.

I will be putting the bread on this pretty plate that I found at home goods.

The knife is Pink depression glass, I think the pattern is Daisy!

I am serving the bread on my Pink Fiesta ware. I love Fiesta wear, And I have sets in many colors.

I sure enjoyed having ya'll over for coffee and Blueberry Bread, I will be sharing the recipe for this great bread on Foodie Fridays ,in two weeks , be sure not to miss it. The bread is OH SO GOOD.


  1. I can't stop looking at the bread! It looks so pretty with your pink Fiesta Ware. I have never seen a knife made out of depression glass. I'll be watching for the recipe!

  2. This looks absolutely awesome! The drizzle looks mighty tasty.
    So pretty and I can just imagine how wonderful the blueberry bread would taste. I'm enjoying berries more all the time. That's good 'cause they are good for us.
    The pink dishes are a great touch.
    Summer Blessings to you,

  3. That depression glass knife is stunning. I havn't ever seen one before. I do have a few pieces, but no knives. Your plate is so pretty too with the pretty pink flowers. The bread looks sooooo good. So nice to meet your. I will definitely be back, and thanks for stopping by my TT and leaving such gracious comments. Hugs, Marty

  4. I have not seen a knife like that either. How pretty it is with your wonderful looking bread.

  5. Your plate is a perfect match for your table clothe!
    I love it! And the bread looks yummy.


  6. That looks sooo good! I too love Fiesta ware, but only have a couple of plates I bought off eBay. I'd love to have more! The pink is very pretty with the icing on the bread!

  7. Hi.. I'm just a spectator, but love seeing all the tablescapes! I appreciate them more and more with every post I see and read! Love the Fiesta ware.. and I can't wait for your recipe for blueberry bread! It looks delicious! ~tina


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!