Tuesday, March 16, 2010



I think it is just to cool that St.Patrick's day fell on Out door Wednesday....Saturday I went to the 7th annual St.Patrick's day block party and parade, this Annual North Charleston events get more exciting every year , held in a little pocket part of town called Park Circle...The afternoon started with a Parade....

Baby cakes was so excited to see the parade start....Motor cycle cops led the way...

The parade's grand marshal was none other than North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey...

Cool cars...

The SPCA had a large group...But... by the time I got Miss Lucy to settle down, this was the only picture I got of the dogs...

The Fire Department was last in line...

Sea of green wearing party goers...

This is Belinda Roberts of the Hat Divas club and her dog Chapeau.I meet them at the block party...I do hope to get to know them better...The Hat Diva Society is a non-profit service organization... as part of the Hat Divas, a group of women who boast flamboyant head wear but also exude a deep commitment to helping the less fortunate.

A little cutie ....His shirt says Kiss me I'm cute...Yes he is.

The SPCA was selling these...Oh Yes I now have one of my very own...

We ate at the Barbeque Joint stand....The sandwich was wonderful....

They had a little green pig on the table...Now you know I can not pass up a pig Picture...
Babycakes and her daddy waiting in line to get our pork sandwiches...YUM.

Miss Lucy getting a drink of water....

We had a lot of fun..Stayed for a couple of hours..but left before the drinking got started good...

A cute little green house on the way back to my children's home...They have been remolding this house for about a year now...They are almost done...Love the green color..Looks like green depression glass to me.

Babycakes walked Miss Lucy and I to the door to say good-by...We had a great day ...The weather was perfect... all the green actives and wonderful food...Time spent with your loved ones...what more could you ask for...

Today is Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer hosted by Susan. Make sure to visit her blog, say hello to Susan, and check out all the other participants.Thanks so much for stopping by...... As always it has been my Pleasure...
Keep Smiling...


  1. Oh Julie, too much cuteness in this post! I love the sweet pictures of babycakes and the puppy:) All of the parade pics were great and the green pig on the table... precious! Have a lovely evening and a Happy St. Patrick's Day my friend!

  2. Looks like the perfect day. Having such a good time with your family. Love that last picture.

  3. There is nothing better than a parade! Looks like you had alot of fun and shared a great day with your family. That hat is amazing! Kathy

  4. Hello Julie,

    I just love a parade and these men in skirts are amazing - how self-assured and confident must a man be to not be intimidated by wearing a skirt - WOW!

    I loved all the photos. Thanks so much for sharing. Baby Cakes and Miss Lucy were extraordinarily cute ;-)

    Doris :-)

  5. What a fun day, Julie! I love the dogs' outfits, lol. Baby cakes is such a cutie!...Christine

  6. Hi Julie, you gotta love those musicians with the kilts! What a joyous celebration!

    Happy St Patrick's Day!

  7. Looks like a great way to spend a day. St. Pat's is so fun.

  8. Happy St. Patrick's Day! It looks like you had a really, really, really, really good time at the parade.
    Joyce M

  9. I just love a good St. Patrick's Day parade and it certainly looks like you enjoyed one. :) Also, love Charleston, what a wonderful city.

  10. What fun that parade was!!! Sweet corgi's and all!!! Happy St. Patricks Day!

  11. I went to a parade Saturday & there was a dog in a green tutu too!! Sooo cute. The little one is absolutely precious! Looks like y'all had a great time.

  12. Happy St. Patrick's Day Julie!
    Wonderful and fun celebration.

    Great outdoor and captures.


  13. What a great St. Patrick's Day for you and your family! Great pictures! Love the kilts and the Golden Retriever all dressed up in her green finery! Miss Lucy and Babycakes are just too cute!

    Happy St. Patricks Day!

    ~ Tracy

  14. Oh how fun! We don't have anything here to celebrate.

  15. Looks like you had a beautiful day!! We finally have sun after 2 weeks of fog. Spring is here!!
    Hope you have a wonderful St. Patrick's day :)

  16. What a fun parade! I would have loved to see the dogs in costume! The one you showed was so cute! Happy St. Paddy's Day!


  17. Hi Julie, This was such a fun post with great photos of a fun day! I enjoyed the pics of Lucy on your sidebar!

    Nice visiting today.
    Kindly, ldh

  18. Oh that looks like it was so much fun! Babycakes is too cute :) I hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day and Outdoor Wednesday :)

  19. Looks like a ton of fun, I have that same yellow cart in my back yard... just not with Corgis in it ;-)

  20. Happy belated St. Patrick's Day!



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