Monday, July 20, 2009

My First Post.
Hi, I feel like I am dreaming with my eyes opened. I found by accident, on a friends facebook page. I started looking around and found some of the most amazing blogs. I have been blogger stalking for about 2 months , and now that I have decided on a name for my blog, I am ready to join all the fun. I have also learned today, that I sure have a lot to learn about blogging! So if I can navigate my way around,I am so looking forward to getting to know you all. So please come back soon.


  1. Congrats on starting your blog! I like the colors you picked and the name! Have fun in the blog world and I look forward to seeing what else you write.

  2. I am glad you found the blogland, welcome. I cam across your blog through between naps on the porch and thought you need a follower.
    Visit my cottage and join my followers too and when your blog is ready with posts, let me know and I will add you blog to my beau-TEA-ful blog.
    Duchess xx


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!