Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hello, do come in the water is perfect... Yea right I just let Miss Lucy out to go potty and it is 34 here... I live two miles from the beach for a reason.... I am so ready for warm weather...

So this morning I thought you would like to sit and day DREAM WITH ME...

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BIRD THE FLAMINGO IS... "When it hatches, the chick is covered with gray downy feathers. Their beaks are straight at birth so that they can be fed by regurgitation from their parents. After a few months the beak curves. They grow in their adult plumage after about two years. They become sexually mature at 6 years of age. The typical flamingo life span in the wild is up to 50 years." Source: CHILEAN FLAMINGO. They make their nests out of mud by piling the mud and forming it into a large mound about 15 inches in diameter and 1 to 2 feet tall. The female makes an indentation on the top where she will lay her egg. Incubation lasts 27-31 days, and both the mother and father sit on the egg.

The only naturally occurring flock in the United States is in the Florida Everglades...The Flamingo birds live in large groups all year long called colonies. Tens of thousands of birds can live in one colony! Within a colony, they breed in pairs...There are six species in the world: the Andean Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus andinus), the James Flamingo (Phoenicoparrus jamesi), the Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensi), the Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber), the Lesser Flamingo (Phoenconaias minor) and the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus). They may at first glance look similar to each other, but certain features allow easy identification....

The Flamingos flight feathers are actually black with wing coverts that are darker pink that the rest of the body.

A striking feature that is only visible when the Flamingo is in flight or spreading its wings are the beautiful black feathers. This Flamingo picture shows the stunning black feathers. There are 12 principal flight feathers located on each wing. These black feathers are visible when the wings are extended.
Their pink coloring is caused by the beta carotene in their diet, of which shrimp and blue-green algae are the common sources... Thank You Squidoo...

Pink Saturday, is graciously hosted by Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to visit Beverly's beautiful blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday.Thanks so much for stopping by...... As always it has been my Pleasure...Come Back When you can Play Longer...
XOXO Julie


  1. I love flamingos...of course I'm a Florida wannabe and they remind me of my wonderful vacations.

  2. G'morn, Julie ~ WOW! For all the flamingos we've seen I'd never seen them span their wings ... that black if gorgeous illuminating the pink salmon color even more. So enjoyed the info on them.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, TTFN ~ Marydon

  3. I've never seen flamingos that close up before and they are certainly stunning! Love your photos!

    Happy PS!

    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  4. What great pictures of those beautiful birds.

  5. Good Morning Julie Sweetie...
    What a beautiful post you have. Ooh the temperature sounds a little to cold for me. I like living here in the desert, we really don't see many cool days, maybe overcast but not bad.

    Your flamingo post is just glorious. I love the vibrant colors, and their stance oh my how beautiful it would be to sit and watch them for awhile. Their necks sure can twist into some strange contortions.

    Have a beautiful day sweetie and thank you so much for sharing with me today. Country hugs..>Sherry

  6. Hi Julie!
    Oh gosh in the 30's at your house???In the 50's here , well maybe 40's at night!!!
    Soring is right around the corner!!!
    I love Pink Flamingo's I love seeing them at the zoo!!!!
    I have been to the Florida everglades, but there i wanted to see alligators!!!!haha
    have a great weekend
    how are you feeling by the way?????

  7. Thank you for these gorgeous pictures!!!

  8. as the song says, pretty flamingos. happy PS hugs Sara

  9. Wow, that is a beautiful bird and I learned something new. I never knew about the black feathers, they are gorgeous! Enjoy your weekend my friend! Hugs from chilly Georgia!

  10. Julie, what an interesting post. I'm happy to know more about flamingos. They are amazing birds to watch.
    I didn't get a Pink Saturday post up today, but I do have a sweet soufflé to share. Hope you'll stop by to read my Food for Thought edible book review on the last of the Josephine Bonaparte trilogy.

  11. I love flamingos. Wish my husband would at least let me have some of those pink plastic ones. Thanks for the cute post.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  12. Very interesting! Your photos are gorgeous... Christine

  13. Love your PINKS!!! They are very wonderful!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  14. Doesn't God make some amazing creatures?!?!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  15. Happy Pink Saturday, Julie! What wonderful photos! Those are such amazing birds! Love the commentary! That one reason I love blogging so much, I learn new things all the time!

    Have a lovey weekend!


  16. I live in Clearwater and have had these wonderful birds fly over my house.. The animal life here is wonderful to say the least..
    Nice blog!

  17. I love flamingos! Beautiful pictures! And the one with the baby, so sweet!
    I was lucky enough to see white flamingos when in Florida once, they were just as beautiful!

    All the best,

  18. Love your pink pics, and they were really stunning!

  19. Oh my goodness! Those 'mingos' are GORGEOUS! That's what our granddaughter calls them. How are you, Jenny? I am SO ready for spring, too! It's snowy out again today. Brrrrrr and grrrrrrrrr.

  20. I wish I loved that close to the beach! I miss warm weather!!!! Happy Friday!

  21. Beautiful! Stopped by from Friday Follow - so glad I found you! Now following so I don't miss anything!

  22. Beautiful pictures! Visiting from "Friday Follow"...I'm your newest follower! Love for you to come visit me :)

    Have a great weekend!
    ~Shelley @ Shelley's Swag

  23. These flamingoes rock. Just fabulous photography!


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