Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hello, Please do come in and sit a spell....As I told you last week I have had 1 more nasty fall....This has been a crazy year for me...So I am so backed up on Family Birthday dinners at my house... So last night we had 1 great big dinner for 2 of my son-in-laws and my sweet 16 year old daughter...Now my 16 year old daughters B-day is Jan.6th....see how far behind I am....So we had a big dinner last night all 12 of my loved ones were here...I started the dinner and my son-in-law (baby cakes dad) got here and took over for me... I tell ya I am one lucky lady, I have the most loving kids around...I am not sure what I would do without them...
Not only am I behind in B-Day dinners...I am just not getting the pictures I would like to get...Now my dad ( now gone) was an amateur Photographer...He had a dark room in our home when we were growing up...I have taken classes and have Dark room under my belt...and I have two daughters following in the foot steps....BUT ...last night only one camera in the house...WHATS UP WITH THAT... AND that one belonged to the poor little lady with one barely good leg... So this was the best picture taken all night long...( Now do not go back and look at all the pictures on this blog I started this blog less than a year ago...And I am almost always in a hurry and trying to fight the pain when I am taking pictures....(LOL)...(Cause I have to)... But all in all it was a wonderful night ...I am the happiest when I have all my family at home... Oh back to PINK SATURDAY... I used my Pink and Red Fiesta dishes last night...So see this is the best picture Fiesta Ware and ice cream...what more can you ask for?

Pink Saturday, is graciously hosted by Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to visit Beverly's beautiful blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday.Thanks so much for stopping by...... As always it has been my Pleasure...Come Back When you can Play Longer...
XOXO Julie


  1. I will take the neopolitan please with some hershey's chocolate syrup on top, oh and throw in some nuts too, with a cherry, I'm good!!~

  2. Love your pretty red & pink dishes ... HAPPY B'DAY to everyone! What a fun celebration all together.

    You be careful, that's one fall too many, my friend.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    Hugs, Marydon

  3. Julie, I haven't had neopolitan ice cream in decades. What a fun dessert for your dinner party. And then to have the pink and red fiesta bowls for serving tops it all off.
    Hope you are doing better. Thinking about you!

  4. I just love the pink fiesta bowls! I haven't seen that color in fiesta before and it couldn't be sweeter! I hope you are feeling better! Marcia

  5. I grew up with Fiesta ware - somewhere - just can't remember ... there was also melmac or something like that - some type of unbreakable fiest-ware looking dishes that my mom had. Fiesta ware is neat BUT it sounds like you had a really good time w/your family and that's priceless. I hope you're doing better. Please take care of you! Happy Pink Saturday! Thanks, Jenn <><

  6. So hope you are feeling better. I love the beautiful dishes and the ice cream is just perfect. So glad you all had a great time. Hugs, Marty

  7. Oh, I LOVE Fiesta!! Your red & pink party looks delightful :)


  8. I love the pink dishes and the doll....beautiful!

  9. Love the dishes and sometimes we can have a sweet post with just words:) Hope you feel all better! Have a blessed day!

  10. Happy Pink Saturday Julie...
    I love the fiestaware and the pink and red is just beautiful. I will take a red bowl with some Neopolitan ice cream, and could I have some chocolate syrup too please? I love it. I buy it every party in this house.

    Please, please be careful. Another fall, is one more to many for the year. Take care of yourself please. You have to take extra precautions.

    I have had a few falls of late too. I am trying to be careful. Broke my foot the last time and I do not want to go through that again. For some reason my Vitamin D levels keep dropping critically low, and they don't know why. They put me on 50,000 units of Vitamin D a week for 8 weeks to see what that will do.

    Please have a beautiful day sweetie. Know that you are being prayed for and thought about every day. Country hugs and much love..>Sherry

  11. Well I think that's a perfect combination. I love fiesta ware-I have green and yellow ones.
    Have a great weekend.
    tin and sparkle

  12. Love the pink (of course)! I do hope you're on the mend!

    Happy PS,

  13. Great post for Pink Saturday. I love Neopolitan
    Icecream and what better way to celebrate a family gathering.


  14. Very pretty I loved neo. ice cream as a child!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. Pink and red Fiestaware look super together. I hope your injuries weren't too severe! The last time I went down on ice, I had gravel from the driveway embedded in my hand for a month. I finally had to operate! LOL Have a great week and steer clear of the ice! Terri

  16. Hello Julie; Love your Pink and Red Fiesta ware. glad you had a wonderful time with family. Now take care and don't fall again.... Happy Pink Saturday


  17. I just hope you are feeling better! I don't think anyone is judging you on your photos (which are just fine)!


  18. Oh I only have a few pieces of Pink Fiesta! Love yours!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  19. Fiesta is just so "happy". Perfect for a birthday party! So sorry about your fall. Take care. laurie

  20. Doesn't matter when you celebrate just as long as you can ALL get together! Love those pink bowls!!

    Happy PS!

    Angelic Accents

  21. I love your fiesta dishes and you reminded me that I have new ice cream in the freezer. Now I'm off to eat some! Happy Pink! Have a GREAT week!

  22. Sounds yummy! I love your fiestaware dishes, too.

  23. Beautiful bowls, sounds like you all had a wonderful evening. Sending hugs, do take care of yourself. Your grand babies are darling.

    Gail - Decorating My Tin Shack

  24. Hope your days get better! Thanks for the beautiful pinks!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  25. Hope you're getting better day by day. Falling is not fun!

    Also... I'm just letting all my followers (and you are one) know about my giveaway... nothing to do to enter.

    You are already entered!

    Just my way to say thanks!

    Talk to you soon ;)
    Bunny Jean

  26. Love the fiesta ware! And what a great time you all must have had being all together - that truly is what it's all about. And BINGO - we love Bryers!

    Happy Belated PS!


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