Saturday, February 13, 2010


Yes I have done it again....

I have fallen for the 7th time in a year...And look I am back in bed....I have shared with just a hand few, what 's going on in my life that keeps me falling....But I feel the need to share some with you all...I do have some long term issues that keep me falling and it affects how I am dealing with my blog...I am slow to getting around to all your blogs as much as I would like...I have not been able to post as much as I would like....And I am getting way behind...I have not forgotten you all....And I am going to get caught up...I PROMISE...

My sweet little granddaughter dressed in PINK...having a little lunch all snuggled up in bed with Mimi...

Some of my girls spent some time with me the other day....Watching TV in bed with me so I don"t have to be alone...

Yes that is my poor little ankle...Can you see how swollen...Nothing broken( did the X-Ray thing)
but do have to stay off of it as much as I can...

I do hope to be back on my feet soon,and I will get caught up with you all...
P.S. We have snow Yaaa...But I am stuck in the house...So I will have Pictures...My girls are out playing with baby cakes in the snow....I did go out last night when it was falling so hard...But I have to be so careful...1st real snow in 20 years for us here in S.C. And I am stuck inside...


  1. Oh, OUCH! I do hope this heals quickly for you. Been there, done that, tis'nt no fun!!
    Happy Valentine's
    Have a healing week
    Hugs, Marydon

  2. You poor baby, you ankle looks painful. It's good your girls are keeping you company.

    Stay warm and cozy.


  3. I feel for you. That ankle looks it and get well soon. What ever your medical condition is I'm hoping you will recover soon.
    Bless you!

  4. Ouch...your ankle must hurt so much. I'm so sorry that you are going through this, I hope you are back up and around soon.

    Sending good thoughts your way,


  5. OH MY JULIE! I hope your ankle will heal quickly and that you will be up and at 'em soon! I am sorry you are going thru whatever it is that is making you fall and I will pray that whatever that is gets the heck on down the road! Hugs to you my friend!

  6. you poor thing, that does look take care of yourself!!!

  7. That is one swollen ankle! I feel for your pain!
    Hope you heal soon! Thank goodness nothing is broken!
    Hugs, Ann

  8. Oh no, feel better soon! (I have fallen 4 times in the last two weeks!) I wonder why it happens like that? I'm so sorry about your ankle.


  9. Hope your ankle is better soon!

  10. Hi Julie... I wanted to stop by and say hello.. your poor ankle! I do hope your falling down, slows down.. sending good vibes to help you!
    take it easy and enjoy Valentines day with your sweet grandbaby!

  11. Ouch, that looks pretty painful. I'm sorry you fell again. :(

    I hope you feel better soon and can get out of bed.

  12. What a sweetie dressed in pink! Hopefully you heal quickly-hopefully they can get to the root of the problem.
    Happy Valentines Day.
    Tin and sparkle

  13. Hi Julie! Sorry to hear of your latest adventure. I can imagine how that hurts. Please don't worry about the PIF. I'm certainly not! You need to take care of yourself and get better. I've been busy with helping my 95 year old mom get settled into new living arrangements. Life keeps us all busy. I hope you are up and about soon. Thanks for the visit.
    Valentine hugs ~ Sarah

  14. Hello Julie,

    Happy PiNk to you! I'm so sorry you have bummed up your ankle...gosh, there's just about nothing worse than not being able to walk without pain!

    You take care of yourself..we aren't going anywhere. :0)

    I got about 2 inches of snow yesterday....more on the way.


  15. OH Gosh your poor foot,,, glad it is not broken... the last thing you should be worrying about is getting behind on your visits... so take care of your self,, looks like you have lots of such sweet photos....

    Happy Valentine's Day


  16. Julie darling, I will pray for your speedy recovery. Darling, wishing you a love filled Valentine’s Day, full of laughter, good food and great company.

    Love & Hugs

  17. I am praying that you will be better soon .
    Happy Valentine's Day !

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Rest up and get that ankle better soon! It's nice that you have your girls to keep you company. Get well wishes are coming your way soon.

  20. My gosh, that looks so painful. I have taken a couple of dumps myself this year and thankfully was on the mend fairly soon. Don't worry about the blog - worry about how many cuddles you can grab from that sweet baby. Tender thoughts and prayers to you...

  21. I'm sending prayers your way to hopefully help the healing process, as I see are many others. With so many good wishes and prayers, you should be up in no time. When the doctor says to stay down.......stay down. I've had over 14 surgeries, and I finally listen now.....LOL.


  22. oh my goodness, That looks like it hurts. I hope your up and around soon. Your grandbaby is beautiful. Have a sweet valentines day.

  23. Oh please feel better soon!! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
    Hugs, Lisa

  24. HI JUlie,
    Oh my goodness, you poor thing. I fell twice in 5 years and ended up with 2 broken left ankles and the 5th metatarsel.
    I understand the swelling pain!!!Keep still and Rest, and I will be Praying for God to heal you, is it Vertigo????
    I hear that is awful, my Mom slipped and fell on ice last week and is still in bed.
    Take care and we understand
    God Bless you

  25. What a loving family you have to keep you compnay in bed. Take care of your ankle and hope you are up and about soon...Christine

  26. I was limited in time for Pink Sat and didn't get by. I was scrolling down my blogroll .. cuz I need to be doing other things but wanted to check on folks. Oh no! I'm glad you are okay from the fall. You mentioned other health issues - be sure and take precautions like your doc says. I put my email on my blog - drop me a note there if you want to. Take care of you! Love, Jenn

  27. I'm sorry to hear that you have some health issues. I hope that you can soon get them resolved. Your poor ankle looks so sore.


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!