Friday, December 4, 2009


Beverly ask us to do something special for the next three Pink Saturdays leading up to Christmas. Each Saturday we will have a theme, and she would like us to share our response to the theme. Saturday, December 5 Theme - Tell us one of your childhood memories about a special holiday...

My Grandmother was so in Vogue....She kept a wonderful home.....Growing up my grandparents lived in many homes... My Grandmother would sit and draw up house plans and then my Grandfather would build her the house.... They would live in them a few years and then they would build a new one.... the story that I would like to share was when I was about 5....My Grandparents loved to throw parties at Christmas..... The house would be all decked out ....we would all be dressed in our finest Christmas go to church ...... Lots of people, food music,at some point my Uncle would come into the room dressed as Santa...( I think I was six before I figured this out) Oh it was such a Magical time for a small child.... Most of my Grandparents homes where on the water....The home they lived in when I was five was just such a house....It was a big brick home, my grandmother built all of her homes with great big windows... In the middle of the home was a sunken Living room, you could stand in the front yard and look into the Big window, that was about the size of double sliding glass doors...but it was just one big piece of glass... You could see straight to the back of the house where there was two sets of sliding glass doors that opened on to the water .... You could see the dock ....And the boat that was kept in a boat house..... Oh and at Christmas all the lights at night would just take my breath away... Now in the front of this house...each year my grandparents would put up a Big Plastic Santa......

It was about 5 foot tall....Looked just like the one here (this one is much smaller) It would sit on the flag stone porch just in front of the Big Glass window....Just inside the Big glass window my Grandmother would have her tree... I would go outside at night....It would be so cold....But some how the Santa and the way the lights reflected all around... I would forget how cold it was.... I am not sure to this day WHY, but as a small child it was one of my Favorite things to do...Stand in the cold outside in the dark by that Great big Santa and Look into the all of the wonderful decorations...

So when I found this Santa at Good Will a few years back....I knew that he would have to live at my home.... Each time I walk past him....He sits on a table in the entry way of my home....It takes me back to my Grandparents home and all the good memories that I have of that time...
Now this Santa here is no Spring Chicken the date on the back is 1968...So he was made just a few years after the one that my Grandparents owned... My Grandparents have been gone for many years now....But it feels just like yesterday that I was out on the porch in the cold...

Vintage Santa and Mrs.Santa candle decorations....I think they look great sitting on top of a pair of candle stick holders...

Just a few vintage Christmas decorations that belonged to my wonderful Grandparents.....

Pink Saturday, is graciously hosted by Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to visit Beverly's beautiful blog to see a complete list of all the participants in today's Pink Saturday.Thanks so much for stopping by...... As always it has been my Pleasure...Come Back When you can Play Longer...
Merry Pink Christmas


  1. I love your story and your beautiful Santa!! Thank you for visiting!! Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. On this first Saturday of December ♥Jappy Pink Saturday♥. I was away for a while and sure missed running around the blogs arnd seeing all of the goodies everyone was sharing.

    Thanks for the memory...

    It was a blessing for you to make my morning so much fun. Hoping that you and those you care about spend a wonderful weekend making memories that will last a lifetime☺

  3. What a wonderful story....I could just feel the cold and looking back into the house, decorated and looking beautiful!
    Your collection of Santas from your grandparents are wonderful and wonderful the way you so creatively displayed them!!!!!

  4. What a great memory - your grandparents sound wonderful! Happy Pink Saturday!


  5. What a lovely memory of your grandparents home.
    I think we all love standing outside in the cold and looking in at the Christmas lights. In fact, sometimes I sneak out into the driveway after dark, just so I can peek inside our house at our tree.
    I'm sure your grandmother influenced you and your creativity, which is part of why you became a blogger.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  6. What a wonderfully sweet story and such a loving memory of your grandparents! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Might we be separated at birth? From the comments you wrote on The Marmelade Gpypsy, it seems we have "the same" parents -- and I KNOW that Santa! We had one, too -- a big one outside and a small one!

  8. Oh, what wonderful memories of Christmas you have. Mine are of much simpler beginnings but there is always first snow and the way it sparkles in the moonlight, my Oma (grandmother) deocrating the house with fresh evergreens, tinsel and shniny red bulbs...the Advent Calendar covered with lots of Glitter and the hidden treats that I somehow managed to talk my granny out of ;-)
    Christmas was always a magical and wonderful time, full of surprises and possiblilities.
    Thanks for sharing. Big hugs to your Lucy dog :-)


  9. I loved your memory of Christmas. I love the lights and sparkle of Christmas. Your display of your decorations is just charming. I especially love the candle decorations! What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing it brought a smile to my face.


  10. I loved your Christmas memory. Your santa is delightful. Stop by my blog I have a santa cookie jar from the same era.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  11. Julie ~ That sweet little santa was just waiting for you to pick him. If I close my eyes tight enough I can see every detail of your memory.


  12. This is what I enjoy most about christmas, the memories and being able to tell stories about our special ones.
    Thanks for yours!!!
    Happy pink! come by and see my pink sky!

  13. This is a beautiful vignette; I especially like the jar of goodies!

  14. Such wonderful memories!!! We too had a Santa like this one! Ours lit up when plugged in - is yours the same? Happy Pink Satuday!

  15. Julie, what precious memories. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  16. What a wonderful Christmas memory. Christmas is the best time for peeking in windows! (not in any peeping tom kind of way! LOL)
    I love, love your jar with the elves and ornaments. I might have to borrow your idea!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  17. This story brought tears to my eyes I have a few ornaments from my grandparents..thanks so much for sharing such great memories Happy Pink Saturday Hugs Grace

  18. Aren't grandparents just the most amazing people that God ever did create. Pure magic. Thanks for sharing. Mollye

  19. What a wonderful Christmas story. You brought me back to my own grandparent's house...and I could picture just where they put their trees. Christmas really brings back the memories doesn't it? Sue

  20. This was a beautiful tribute to your grandparents, Julie. I love your vintage Santa Claus collection and also your cute elves sitting in the jars :-)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  21. A wonderful Christmas memory. I can't imagine moving every 5 years.. but what fun for you all. Pink Blessings!

  22. Oh Julie, it seems that time stands still when we think back to all the wonderful memories of our childhood. I think your grandparents had a wonderful life full of excitement. My grandparents stayed in the same sweet home my mother was raised in. I wish we still had that home today. I love your santa and the joy it brings into your life each year. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  23. What wonderful memories of childhood Christmas. I hope you are having a wonderful day and are looking forward to the holidays. Your photos and displays are wonderful.

  24. Julie darling, what lovely memories you have and such gorgeous decorations, enjoy the holidays my luv.

    Love & Hugs

  25. Julie, what a delightful post. It's such fun to think back to special childhood memories. Thank you for sharing this one.
    Hope you received the package by now. Please let me know.....Sarah

  26. Thank you for sharing such a sweet and sentimental part of your life...I too have such lovely memories of my Christmas time these memories seem so close at heart...Take care and many blessings to you.

  27. What a wonderful reminiscence, Julie....just dreamy. The perfect memories for a child to have of Christmastime. And I love your precious doggies all decked out for Christmas ;) ♥


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!