Thursday, January 14, 2010


School was out here today for a teacher work day....SOOO, I had all the little girlie's home...So this post is more of a cooking story ,than A recipe... I do hope you don"t mind... I do hope sweet Michael will forgive me....
Where did you learn to cook ? If you read my blog, you know I speak of my Dear Sweet Grandmother often... My Grandmother started me off cooking at the ripe old age of around five... As a matter of fact, I don't remember a time that I would spend the weekend at her home that we would not bake something... My Grandmother was a wonderful cook...So at the home of my Grandparents I would stand on a chair to reach the top of the counter and my Grandmother lovingly taught me how to measure and stir up the most wonderful treats....I still to this day love to bake...
Yes this is some of my girls ...After lunch, (I was so excited to have most of them home ) We turned the country Music up real loud ( their idea!!!) and the fun began... My Sweet sixteen year old (with spoon in hand) using it to stir some ...and then as a microphone some (we just went with the mood) Her best friend...holding my sweet granddaughter Babycakes... and my 9 year old granddaughter... They where singing and stirring and just having so much fun...They made blueberry muffins...

If the truth be told, I had the most fun...You see I do so love these sweet, wonderful young women in the making... They, not the music make my heart sing... I just love spending time with each of them... We sang, and laughed till I cried...

My sweet daughter and granddaughter....I think they are beautiful...inside and out.

Oh yea she did just drop the blueberries in the bowl....But don't worry they turned out great...Later as we sat and ate our blueberry muffins, I told them stories of all the fun I had learning to cook at the side of my grandmother...(Not the first time I have told the stories, but as I said, such great women in the making, they sit and listen as if it was the first time the stories where ever told) But maybe just maybe, they like to hear the stories as much as I like to remember them... I just told some of these stories around Christmas time,and the stories came with home made chocolate chip cookies-HUM?...
I just hope that someday, my children and grandchildren will pass on this fun, love and laughter... And I hope, one day , they are lucky enough to sit in the middle of their own circle , remembering where they came they make new memories with the ones that fill their life with love. I love you Granny, I love you my sweet little girls...
Thank You for allowing me to bend the rules a little this week....Please join our host,the sweet Michael over at Designs by Gollum for a virtual feast and a lot of inspiration!


  1. HI Julie!!!!
    The girls in your life are indeed beautiful, and so fun spirited!!! It shows!!!!Your
    Life is so Blessed with these special days!!!
    I love Blueberry Muffins too!!!! I also love to bake, something my Grandmother taught me as well, we would always bake something at her house, that we never made at home!!!!
    Grandma's house is the sweetest!!!!
    I enjoyed that

  2. Fun,fun, is to be enjoyed,not just endured....glad to see yall doing just that,having fun.

  3. Julie what a wonderful and touching and fun post!
    This post is the best recipe for love!

  4. Oh what a sweet story and pictures of beautiful young girls cooking up something good! Love hearing about your Grandmother and the memories you made. Memories are forever and these girls will always remember that day, cooking with you!!!

    Have a blessed day!

  5. Oh Julie

    What fun memories and I can see a room full of love!

    Enjoy them!

  6. OH what fun! I want blueberry muffins now. This was a beautiful post.

  7. It looks like you all had a grand old time. Moments like these are priceless! Thanks for sharing them with us. I hope you are having a wonderful Foodie Friday.

  8. Your girls are all so beautiful. The memories that you are making with them today will stay with them forever.
    Sweet post.

  9. This was wonderful. You are surrounded by girls of all fun for you! I started cooking with my daughter as soon as she was old enough to stand on a chair next to me. This makes me miss her even more than usual. (She lives in Florida-I'm in Illinois)

  10. Now this is what cooking is all about! I love foodie stories, especially when they are filled with fun and joy like this one. I'll look forward to your next FF post!

  11. Hi Julie, Looks like my first comment didn't go through. What Joy in the faces of your girls! Wish I had a few young gals to share my kitchen fun with.

  12. Oh, Julie, I'm so touched by the words in this heartfelt post. What a lovely expression, "sweet, wonderful young women in the making." You can see the joy of these young women in their faces. How blessed you are to have them in your circle.
    Hope you are doing well. Sending hugs from TX. . . Sarah

  13. Julie, You are a girl after my own heart. With my daughter almost 30 and 8 granddaughters 10 and under, cooking with Mema is almost on the Food Network, we too have so much fun but I eat too many cookies!! Great Post, I can feel the love you share with these great young women.Life is Good.
    Blessings to you Meg

  14. Beautiful post!
    Beautiful girls!
    I love hearing how you are passing on recipes and creating wonderful memories for yourself and those lucky girls!

    I have something for you on my Sunday (1/17) post.
    All the best,

  15. Hi Julie!
    What a wonderful post. You are truly a 'foodie family'! I just wanted to pop in and invite you to stop by my blog for a little show and tell idea I have for the 20th. Hope you can join in.

  16. The Duchess of Tea has bestowed a title upon you. Her Grace requests the honour of your presence at the knighting ceremony to be held at Rose Tea Cottage.

    The Duchess will be honoured if you accept the award she is presenting you by copy and pasting it on your blog.

  17. The aprons are the cuttest ever and the girls are beautiful, you are so lucky to be baking with them and making memories,,,I finally got my button working, would love for you to come on over and pick one took so long to get love yours...Phyllis

  18. These photos caught my eye the other day, Pink Saturday, when I first came by. Those girls are so happy and having such a good time. I love your post with it -about your grandmother. And, I had to scroll back to your photo, mom and grandmother? Did I read that right? No way. Also, thanks for following my blog. (I posted the Dee-vine Ms. Bo-vine. Thanks, again. Jenn


Thanks so very much for taking the time to leave a comment. I always read every one. I am glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope you'll come again!